April 25 — «Day in History» — What happened today?



April 25 — «Day in History» — What happened today?APRIL 25, the 115th day of the year, before the New year is 250 days (Numerological number 2)SUN:Sunrise: 6.01 Sunset: 20.56 Longitude of the day: 14.55 MOON:Sunset: 7: 40 Am Sunrise: 23.44 moon Phase: 3rd phase Lolitanature the RECORDS of the DAY (Moscow, Moscow oblast):Minimum temperature: 10.7 (1884).Maximum temperature: + 25.4 (2000).HEALTH:Seasonal activity of organs: liver (gallbladder).SAINTS:(12) St. Basil, Bishop of Paris. Reverend Isaac The Syrian. The persona Of the virgin. The monk Athanasius of the mother superior.St Athanasius egomaniacal rich and noble parents, O. Aegina, she married according to the will of parents, on the 17th day after marriage, lost his wife, who was killed in the defense of the island against the attacking Arabs. Athanasius soon married another man and with him indulged in the feats of piety: helping the poor, visiting the sick and serving them with alms of food, clothing and all that she could. Soon she persuaded her husband to join the monastery, and her house made a shelter for those who want to keep their virginity for the Lord. At the request of those gathered around her devotees of virgin life, she was their superior and further strengthened the exploits of the Holy life: she kept the strictest fasting, wore a hair shirt and slept on the stones. 4 years later she arranged a secluded place of abode, and settled with her sisters. The monastery soon became famous and many came here with the sick, who were healed through the prayers of the monk Athanasius. The Queen Theodora herself came to listen to the advice of the Reverend hegumen of Aegina. Saint Athanasia died 14 August 860, bequeathing before death in the continuation of 40 days to feed the poor in her memory. To the sisters who did not fulfill this will, she herself appeared in a dream vision and explained the importance of commemorating the dead.DESCRIPTION:Basil pariiskii, Parijskij day, Vasily Bathers. Vasily the earth soars. Antip pours water on the floodplain, Basil a couple of subjects. That day certainly bear out of the den. And the hare on hearing sits (does not admit), runs in the afternoon. Hare hunters shout: <Hare, hare, jump out of the Bush!> Hare ran across the road to failure, distress. Blossomed willow — winter no-go to a farm-yard.BIRTHDAYS:Basil, David, Ivan, ISA(a)K. ZODIAC HOROSCOPE:the Sun in Taurus. Sign Of The Earth. Under the auspices of Venus. The nature of the contradictory nature emotional. Has a sober mind. Solid and practical. Soft. Sensitive. Lazy. He has a passion for luxury. Capricious, stubborn on trifles, but in General malleable, calm and patient. In relations contributes elegance, charm.MYTHOLOGICAL HOROSCOPE:Cerberus (April 25 — may 30) three-Headed dog guarding the entrance to the Kingdom of the dead — the most suitable symbol for this sign. People-the Hounds of evil disposition, they are ready to tear the man’s head only because he provoked them. If Cerberus have to restrain their murderous impulses, he begins to suffer from constant acute stress.GREEK HOROSCOPE:the Month of the goddess Aphrodite — Aphrodite — goddess of love and beauty. Aphrodite was born from the foam of the sea and is considered the embodiment of the elements of the ocean. People born in the month of Aphrodite, i.e. from 21.04 to 20.05, are endowed with beauty (if not external, then internal), their life is full of love, they are soft and attractive in communication, through love they are able to achieve much in life. Athena corresponds to the Roman goddess Venus.Viking HOROSCOPE:the Month of the God Thor — Thor is one of the main gods of the ancient Vikings, it is the God of thunder, storm and fertility. Thor is actively fighting evil. He was depicted as a hero with a stone hammer. Hammer symbolized work, work, activity. It was during this period, from 21.04 to 20.05, farmers were all the main work with the land. Therefore, the month is considered to be active and fertile.INDIAN HOROSCOPE:ASHWINI (13-27 April). The animal is a symbol: the horse of Ashwini is looking for a companion able to understand their uncontrollable desire for freedom. Their ideal is the adventurous type with a rich spiritual world. Perfection in a loved one they need also because they themselves are the embodiment of independence and do not know how to build relationships. Passionate and sensual, they are delightful in love.HOLIDAYS:ITALY celebrates the anniversary of liberation from fascism.Freedom day in Portugal.Day unit: ANZAC (Australia, New Zealand, Nauru, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Western Samoa).Flag day (Swaziland).Cuckoo day (England).EVENTS:IN 1154, the Muslim forces of Nur al-DIN occupied Damascus.In 1185 frustrated by opposition in the battle of Dannoura, 7-year-old Emperor of Japan Antoku tried to escape, but drowned in the sea due to the heavy sword, symbol of Imperial power.In 1433 Zvenigorod Prince Yuri Dmitrievich defeated the army of his nephew Prince Vasily II of Moscow and took the throne of Moscow.In 1498, the Brotherhood of blackheads was founded in Riga, which played a significant role in the life of the city. Its members could only be single German merchants. Previously, they considered St. George as their patron, but then they became St. Mauritius, who was black. Hence the name of the Brotherhood.In 1498, Cardinal Cesare Spada was invited to dinner by Pope Alexander VI and Caesar Borgia. The cardinal was generously treated to wine, and an hour later announced that he was poisoned with morels. However, Spada, foreseeing the possibility of poisoning, managed to make a will, where he reported that he buried all his jewelry in the caves of the island of Monte Cristo: «Under the twentieth rock, if you go from the small East Bay in a straight line…»The will fell into the hands of Abbot Faria, and the treasure was dug up by Edmond Dantes. All this history became known to Alexander DUMAS-to the father (and maybe, he simply thought up it) and thanks to him to us.In 1607, during a naval battle in the Strait of Gibraltar against the Spaniards killed the commander of the Dutch fleet Admiral Jacob van Heemskerk.In 1626, at the battle of Dessau, the Catholics defeated the Danish army.In 1644, Chinese rebels took Beijing, the Emperor committed suicide, ending the Ming dynasty.In 1660, the constituent Assembly decided to return the English throne to the Stewart.In 1701 the school of mathematical and navigational Sciences was founded in Moscow.In 1719, the first edition of Daniel DEFOE’s novel Robinson Crusoe was published in London.In 1737 in confinement in the Shlisselburg fortress dead Russian reformer Prince Dmitry Golitsyn, a former President of the chamber Board, Senator, Governor Kievan 1741году the Coronation of Empress ELIZABETH I, which, in contrast to the former rulers, she puts on a purple and a crown.In 1781, British troops occupied the Petersburg (VA, USA).In 1783 In Annonay (France) launched the first hot air balloon, ascending with a load equal to the weight of an adult.In 1792, on the place de Greve in Paris was the first to use the guillotine. The first «client» Jean Pelletier, a thief and a robber. First, a machine called Louisette, but soon she quite naturally became known as the guillotine. The use of the guillotine to behead criminals was banned in September 1981, when the death penalty was abolished in France.In 1816, George BYRON, persecuted at home discrediting his rumors, left England. As a result, it turned out, forever.In 1823, In Vilna (Lithuania), Masonic property was destroyed by order of Governor-General RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: candlesticks, stars, dead heads and other ritual objects and decorations were burned in the presence of the police.In 1826, the Londoner Samuel brown patented the very first car with an internal combustion engine, had practical application.In 1835, Russia adopted the Regulation on Jews.In 1849, the Russian Emperor Nicholas I ordered to write the names of all the knights of the order of George on the plaques of the St. George hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace in 1859 in Port said began construction of the Suez canal under the leadership of the French engineer and diplomat Ferdinand LESSEPS.In 1862, the northerners captured one of the main cities of the South of the United States — new Orleans.In 1867, Tokyo was first opened to foreign trade.In 1898, the Russo-Japanese Treaty, recognizing Japan’s interests in Korea.In 1901 entered the license plate. In the state of new York in 1901 for the first time in the world introduced license plates, they cost one dollar. Now in many countries ordinary mortals, but with thick purses, can purchase «individual» license plate. The shape and size of this metal plate are the same, only a set of numbers and letters can be ordered at your discretion. You can write your name «Vova», position «MP», «Banzai», «Fat», in General, what you want and write.In 1905, the Transvaal was granted a Constitution, but Louis Botha considers it unacceptable.In 1905, opened III Congress of the RSDLP

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In 1906, the 4th unification Congress of the RSDLP (Russian Social Democratic workers Party) was closed in Stockholm.In 1908, the Largest flood.In 1911 In St. Petersburg under the chairmanship of N. E. ZHUKOVSKY is the first all-Russia aeronautic Congress.In 1915, in Turkey, the allied forces landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula. British and French units — at Cape Helles, Australian and new Zealand (ANZAC block) — in Anzac Bay.In 1917, the Law on freedom of Assembly and Association.In 1918, near Hankou due to a collision with another ship sank the Chinese steamer «Qian Kwan», resulting in the death of more than 500 people.In 1920, the troops of bourgeois Poland invaded the territory of Ukraine. The war, which took place with varying success and heavy losses on both sides, ended with the signing of the peace Treaty in Riga on 18 March 1921.In 1922, in «Izvestia» reprinted from the Berlin newspaper «on the Eve of» open letter of Alexei TOLSTOY N. To TCHAIKOVSKY in whom the writer declared: «Conscience calls me not to climb in a cellar, and to go to Russia and though carnation own, but to hammer in the Russian ship frayed by storms. Like Peter.» In the same issue of Izvestiya there is an article by P. Kogan about the split in emigration; the article notes that Tolstoy’s letter «Russian literature will not forget, probably, as well as the letter of Chaadayev and Belinsky’s letter to Gogol».In 1923, Opened the XII Congress of the RCP (b).In 1925, Paul von Hindenburg, former commander-in-chief of German troops, was elected President of Germany. He manages to win only in the second round of voting, when he scored 48.5% of the popular vote against 45.2% of the votes cast for Wilhelm MARX, a candidate from the Centrist party.In 1926, the premiere of PUCCINI’s last Opera Turandot took place in Milan under TOSCANINI.In 1928, the sudden strange death of the commander of the Russian Army, General Wrangel.In 1928 was used by the first guide dog — a German shepherd named buddy.In 1929, a Society of cultural rapprochement with the peoples of the USSR was established in Latvia. The idea of education belonged to the great Latvian poet Janis RAINIS. He was supported by a group of Latvian intellectuals, mainly artists and writers. The aim of the society was «to promote the rapprochement of the peoples of Latvia and the USSR in science, literature, fine arts and tourism… and also fully support all initiatives in Latvia and the USSR, contributing to cultural rapprochement». First President of the Society was elected Rainis, in the following years it was headed by P. ROZITIS, J. JAUNSUDRABINS, E. SMIĻĢIS, A. KALNINS. Society usstraivalo exhibition, concerts, tour. On the Soviet side, singer Lyudmila BARSOVA and violinist David Oistrakh ACTIVELY collaborated with him. The last meeting of the Society was held on October 19, 1940.In 1930, in pursuance of the decision of the SNK of April 7, 1930, the order of the OGPU 130/63 formed the Management of the camps (ULAG, November — GULAG). He was entrusted with the leadership of all the camps of the USSR OGPU: Solovetsky, Vishera, Northern, Kazakhstan, far East, Siberian and Central Asian. By order of the OGPU 330/198 of June 2, 1931, all work on special settlers, including their labor use, was transferred to the jurisdiction of the OGPU Gulag. Order of the NKVD 00122 of October 29, 1934 in the GULAG NKVD were transferred to the correctional labor institutions of the people’s Commissariat of justice of the RSFSR and other Soviet republics. For the General management as a part of the Gulag the Department of places of detention was formed. Since September 10, 1939 by the order of NKVD 609 labor colonies for minors and children’s receivers-distributors are transferred to the GULAG. In the same year, the GULAG was entrusted with the management of transit prisons. This is how the notorious «Gulag Archipelago» expanded, acquiring new, including economic functions. For the management of production activities since the formation of the Gulag in its composition was organized Production and economic Department, which included production groups and departments responsible for certain areas of work. Later, on the basis of these departments were formed production departments of the Gulag: timber industry, mining and metallurgical, fuel, pulp and paper, hydraulic engineering and marine construction, agriculture and others. Closed the GULAG was the order of the Ministry of internal Affairs 020 of 25 January 1960. At the organization of the Gulag as its first chief was appointed by former Latvian arrows F. I. AHMANSON formally released from this position on 16 July 1930. However, on 17 June the chief of the Gulag, was appointed L. I. KOGAN. Replacing him on June 9, 1932 the Commissioner of state security of the 3rd rank M. D. BERMAN was dismissed from office on August 16, 1937. August 21, by order of the NKVD in this position he was appointed divisional quartermaster, I. I. PLINER. And so on… The last chief was Colonel M. N. CHILLS. In different years the Management of the camps was called differently: GOAL, GUID, SOLR… Thanks to SOLZHENITSYN’s novel, around the world, this institution called the GULAG.In 1931, the Austrian engineer Ferdinand PORSCHE established the Porsche design Bureau in Stuttgart.In 1935, the screens released a film by Julia REISMAN «Pilots».In 1940, women of the province of Quebec received the right to vote in 1940 At the Moscow automobile plant. Kim assembled the first experienced Soviet subcompact < KIM-10>.In 1941, Hitler ordered operation mercury (capture of Crete) to begin.In 1942, the heiress of the English throne (the current Queen) Elizabeth spent the day at the recruiting station, registering volunteers for the front.In 1942, an explosion at the Honkeiko coal mine, Manchuria, China (1,549 people died).In 1943, Soviet aircraft sunk three German transport ships in the Barents sea.In 1944, the American General John. Patton said that the fate of England and the United States – «rule the world»In 1945, in the midst of fighting for Berlin locomotive engineer Sergeant Railway troops AE Foresters led to the station Lichtenberg first train with weapons, ammunition and food.In 1945, the British aircraft destroyed Hitler’s house in Berchtesgaden.In 1945, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian front reached the river Elba, where they met with the 1st American army.In 1945, in the occupied Northern regions of Italy, a General strike, organized at the call of the Communist party, turned into a nationwide armed uprising. Partisans (soldiers of the Corps of volunteers of freedom) and rebels in bloody battles with the Nazis liberated by the end of the month Milan, Genoa, Turin and hundreds of other cities in Northern and Central Italy before the arrival of the Anglo-American troops. It is celebrated as a national holiday.

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In 1950, the canadian provinces signed an agreement on the construction of the TRANS-Canada highway.In 1951, Key West, Florida, USA. Airliner Douglas DC-4 Cubana, the company operating the flight from Miami to Cuba, faces a plane of the U.S. Navy Beechcraft. On Board DC-4 killed thirty-one, four Beechcraft. Both crews did not notice each other in visual orientation.In 1953 in the British journal Nature published an article of scientists from Cambridge, American James WATSON and Englishman Francis CRICK, which was first proposed the structure of DNA.In 1956 in the USSR abolished judicial responsibility for absenteeism.In 1956 year Makes the first flight of the prototype of the first rotary-wing aircraft — literally <flying boat> — machine Bensen AND-8I <Dinobot>.In 1964 in Belarus the cow calved seven calves (world record)In 1966 in Tashkent there was an earthquake with a force of 7.5 points.In 1970 the Soviet Union launched using one rocket eight satellites (<Space-336>-<Space 343>). [68]In 1974, Junior and middle-ranking officers from the Armed forces movement (the»revolution of captains») overthrew the dictatorial regime of Marcelo CAETANO, who ruled Portugal. The bloodless revolution led to the arrest of the leaders of the regime, the release of political prisoners from prison, the return of the leaders of the left parties to the country. The interim President was proclaimed, General Antonio Ribeiro de SPINOLA.In 1975, the First free parliamentary elections held in Portugal for the first time since the 1920s did not bring an absolute majority to any party. The greatest number of votes received by the socialists led by Mario SOARES.In 1975, the South African Government decided to abolish most apartheid policies relating to daily life.In 1976, the first single elections were held in Vietnam.In 1978, the European court of human rights condemned the sentence of corporal punishment handed down by a court in the Isle of man as a humiliation of human dignity.In 1980, American special forces made an unsuccessful attempt to release the hostages in Tehran. Everything went wrong from the very beginning and ended with the collision of a special forces helicopter with a tanker aircraft in the desert 200 miles from the capital of Iran. The fire killed eight Americans, whose bodies were not even able to pick up. All responsibility has been taken by President CARTER, and this failure has become one of the causes of his defeat at the new presidential election.In 1980, 13:21. Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. The plane «Boeing-727» British company «Dan-air» crashes into the mountain when landing in Tenerife. All 146 people on Board are killed. Being on the route of withdrawal, the pilot sent the car to the zone of hills, not maintaining the necessary height.In 1981, immediately after the announcement of guitarist Denny Laine intentions to release a solo album the group broke up «Wings» — solo project Paul McCartney (Paul McCartney).In 1982, Israel completed the evacuation of its troops from Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, which was seized by Israel in 1967.In 1983, the international conference in support of the struggle of the Namibian people for independence, convened by the UN General Assembly and held in Paris, Began.In 1983, the West German magazine stern published excerpts from the so-called Hitler’s diary. Initially, the opinion of experts about their authenticity was divided, but later it was proved that it is a fake.In 1987, Lord chief justice Maurice Gibson and lady Gibson were killed in an explosion of a car filled with explosives by militants from the Irish Republican army.In 1988, at the trial in Israel, sentenced to death, Ivan the DEMJANJUK, butcher of Treblinka. Later, the country’s Supreme court overturned the sentence because of insufficient evidence.In 1989, Pittsburgh ice hockey player Mario Lemieux set a Stanley Cup record, earning 8 points (5 goals and 3 assists) in one match.In 1990, the Americans put into earth orbit the largest space telescope «Hubble».In 1993, the all — Russian referendum on trust in the President of Russia and the policy pursued by him (for-58.7%) was held.In 1994, Nanga Pino, Indonesia. The aircraft IRMA BN-2A-21 Islander company Digantara Air Service is broken on the mountain. All 11 people on Board are killed.In 1995, Prime Minister Chernomyrdin announced the creation of the electoral bloc «Our house — Russia.»In 1998, in the Netherlands, 6850 people, divided into 274 teams, took part in the most massive relay race in the world.In 1997, because of an error of programmers in Florida, the global Internet suffered the biggest crash in history.In 1997, the Foundation of ComputerWorld magazine-Kazan.In 1998, In the Netherlands, 6850 people, divided into 274 teams, take part in the most massive relay race in the world.In 2000, the Director of the Yugoslav national airline Zhika Petrovich was shot dead in the center of Belgrade, close associate of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.In 2000, the UN Commission on human rights condemned Russia’s policy in Chechnya.In 2000, Putin personally drove a tractor during a trip to Orlov.In 2000, the Supreme court considered the claim of the all-Russian Movement «For human rights» to the FSB and the Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation to declare illegal paragraph 3.1 of the new «Instructions on the procedure for consideration of proposals, applications and complaints of citizens in the FSB.» This paragraph, which again legalized anonymous reports of citizens to the official authorities, was found by the court to be in full compliance with the current legislation and democratic norms and, accordingly, was left without the slightest change. To begin with, let us quote the paragraph of the chekist instruction, which has become a bone of contention between human rights defenders and their opponents. It States that «appeals that do not contain the author’s personal signature, his surname, name and patronymic, as well as data on his place of residence (work, study) are recognized as anonymous and are not considered». It seems that the law is complied with, but… This legal text is followed by an addition that contradicts it: «the Registration of such appeals is carried out in the manner prescribed by this instruction, after which they are destroyed (except for those anonymous appeals that contain signs of a prepared, committed or committed illegal act, as well as information about the persons preparing, committing or committing it).»It is this exception that has alerted human rights defenders. They undertook to claim that this point of the instruction contradicts the current legislation and the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Thirteen years ago, in perestroika times, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR banned anonymous appeals to state agencies. Secondly, article 110 of the code of Criminal procedure clarifies that neither oral nor written statements and reports of citizens on the crimes committed or being prepared and the persons involved in them can be anonymous. Moreover, each applicant must be officially warned of criminal liability for knowingly false denunciation. Representatives of the Federal security service, as they should, tried to convince those present in the courtroom that the FSB is not something that before the KGB, although she still has to bear the stigma of a kind of monster. And therefore, as the lawyer Vasily Sheleg said, the FSB does not violate the rights of citizens by its new instruction. On the contrary , the chekists work day and night for the sake of the rule of law and the protection of the most sacred thing we have — human life. Despite the fact that the legal position of the defendants did not differ strong arguments, but they clung to the wording of the plaintiffs, and then their questions were answered out of place, the Prosecutor and then the judge supported the demands of the FSB to leave paragraph 3.1 of the notorious instructions unchanged in 2001 qualifying match — 2002 Yugoslavia-Russia ended with the victory of our team 1:0.In 2001 the Supreme court of the Russian Federation allowed anonymous denunciations.In 2001, it was announced that the Beatles concert-dedication «Walk on Abbey Road», will be held on June 16 and 17 in the «Sun Theatre» in Annaheim. Songs will be performed by Alan Parsons (Alan Parsons), Ann Wilson from «Heart» (Ann Wilson), John Enwistle from The Who (John Enwistle) and Todd Rungren (Todd Rundgren).In 2002, as a result of the earthquake in Tbilisi on Thursday, 2 people were killed, several buildings were destroyed, telephone communication was disabled. The tremors were so strong that the wall cracked in the building where RIA Novosti’s building is located. The force of the tremors was 6 points on the Richter scale. The epicenter of the earthquake was supposed to be 20 km South-East of Tbilisi.

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In 2002, 22 Schoolgirls and a teacher from a school in Beirut were taken to a hospital on Thursday with a diagnosis of acute poisoning. As it became known to RIA «Novosti», a student and teacher of a women’s school in the Burj Abu Heidar district in Beirut received poisoning as a result of spraying the class with insect repellent. All the victims were taken to the hospital. The teacher and one student are currently in hospital in serious condition, while other Schoolgirls are allowed to go home after carrying out the necessary preventive measures in such cases.In 2002 Leonid Shevchenko, editor of the Department of humanitarian problems of the newspaper «First reading». Killed in Volgograd on 25 April 2002. In 2002, Two people were killed and one injured in a collision between an Amtrak train and a car. As the correspondent of RIA «Novosti» with reference to the company Hey-Bi-si, in California, in the County of San Joaquin on Thursday at a railway crossing train rammed into Likhovoi the car in which three passengers were. A 29-year-old woman, five months pregnant, and a 14-year-old girl died on the spot. Another passenger — a 30-year-old woman was taken to the hospital in critical condition. Names of victims are not reported. According to the representative of the California road services Ted Montez, the incident could not have happened if the 29-year-old woman sitting behind the wheel, followed the rules of the road. According to him, the woman stopped at the crossing, but when I saw that the train stopped at the station, tried to cross gastrocolonic way, not noticing a second train rushing at a speed of 90 km per hour. As a result, there was an accident.In 2003, Roberts and Gere were recognized as the best film pair.In 2003, Pentagon Chief Donald Rumsfeld reported that the Americans had detained 12 of the 55 wanted Iraqi leaders. In addition, Rumsfeld noted, speaking at a briefing in Washington, detained also held important positions of Iraqis who were not included in this list, symbolically presented by the Pentagon as a deck of cards. In total, according to Rumsfeld, 7-7.5 thousand Iraqis were taken prisoner, but representatives of the lower ranks — about a thousand people — have already been released.In 2003, a serious traffic accident occurred on Friday afternoon on the southern highway linking Vienna with Italy and Slovenia, which injured 6 people, the Austrian Federal state of Styria police reported. In the accident that occurred in the tunnel «Herzogberg», participated 3 trucks and 3 cars. All the victims taken to a hospital in the nearby city Modriach, the lives of two of them is in danger.In 2003, Former Czech President Vaclav Havel became an honorary citizen of Prague.In 2004, a Women’s protest against the construction of the separation wall between Israel and the Palestinian authority was dispersed by Israeli troops and police near the village of Biddu North of Jerusalem. According to eyewitnesses, the military used harsh measures against peaceful demonstrators.In 2004, Five members of the Adjara «rapid reaction Force» left the territory of the autonomy voluntarily and moved to Poti. About it reports the Georgian TV company «Rustavi-2». «I vowed to protect the Homeland and its territorial unity. But everything that is happening in Adjara does not correspond to what I was going to serve,» one of the servicemen who left Batumi told reporters.In 2005, the Mayor of Milan Gabriele Albertini inaugurated on Monday evening the exhibition «Resistance movement in Europe», dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Italy from fascism. The opening of the exhibition was attended by prominent politicians, veterans of the guerrilla movement, members of the diplomatic corps.In 2005, a Major car accident occurred in South Africa. Nine people were killed and about 60 injured in a collision between a bus and a freight train.In 2005, the Heads of administrations of districts and cities of Ingushetia refute the report of one of the Internet sites that almost half of the heads of administrations of settlements of the Republic sided with the opposition.In 2006, five Mexican children were killed in prayer next to a large iron cross when it was struck by lightning.In 2006, a road bridge collapsed in the Danish city of Aalborg. As a result of the incident, one person was killed and two seriously injured…In 2006, in Sri Lanka, a suicide bomber attempted to assassinate the commander of the army, Sarat Fonseca. During the explosion of the bomb, five guards accompanying the official were killed, Fonseca himself was seriously injured.In 2006, Lugansk regional Council (Ukraine) decided to give the Russian language regional status.In 2007, Miss America 2007, Lauren Nelson helped police identify several paedophiles who met with minors via the Internet. 20-year-old beauty posed as a 14-year-old, called up with her interested men and met with them. Part of the police operation will be shown on Fox TV next weekend.In 2007, Astronomers discovered for the first time a planet outside the Solar system that could potentially be inhabited. The temperature on it is close to the earth, it is also possible the presence of water in liquid form and the presence of the atmosphere. Found the planet revolves around the so-called «red dwarf», which was given the name Gliese 581.In 2007, during a meeting of representatives of the consortium Internet2, a group of researchers reported a record data rate of 9.08 gigabits per second (1.135 gigabytes per second). The experiment used standard Internet protocols and IPv6 address space. The distance between the subscribers connected to the high-speed Internet2 network was 20 thousand miles.Day in the history of Russia1433 — Prince Yuri Dmitrievich defeated in the battle of the Klyazma Basil II, and then took the throne in Moscow.1498 — the brotherhood of blackheads was founded In Riga, which played a significant role in the life of the city. Its members could only be single German merchants.1823 — In Vilnius (Lithuania) by order of the Governor-General A. M. Rimsky-Korsakov destroyed Masonic property: in the presence of the police burned candlesticks, stars, skulls and other ritual objects and decorations.1849 — Russian Emperor Nicholas I ordered to write the names of all the knights of the order of George on the memorial boards of the St. George hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace.1880 — far Eastern shipping company was Founded.1905 — opened In London the III Congress of the RSDLP, closed may 10.1911 — Beginning of the 1st all-Russian aeronautical Congress (till April 30; Chairman N. E. Zhukovsky).1923 — opening of the XII Congress of the RCP(b).1940 — At the Moscow automobile plant. Kim assembled the first experienced Soviet subcompact car «KIM-10».1945 — Meeting on the Elbe Soviet and American troops.1953 — Formed Kiev higher radio engineering school of air defense of the country (KVIRTU air defense).1956 — In the USSR abolished judicial responsibility for truancy, introduced in 1940 year.1983 — Leader of the USSR Yu. V. Andropov invited American girl S. Smith to the Soviet Union.1993 — In a referendum in Russia, the majority of the population supported the policy of bn, Yeltsin (for — 58.7 %), but rejected his proposal to dissolve the Supreme Council.2007 — Funeral of the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin’s.